Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are perhaps the most important molecules in cell biology, responsible for the storage and reading of genetic information that underpins all life. They are both linear polymers, consisting of sugars, phosphates and bases, but there are some key differences which separate the two1. These distinctions enable the two molecules to work together and fulfil their essential roles. Here, we look at 5 key differences between DNA and RNA. Before we delve into the differences, we take a look at these two nucleic acids side-by-side.
ATP consists of three phosphates, a base (adenine) and a sugar (ribose).
It is true that earth is consist of 70% water. However it is still a problem that in the near future, their might be a water shortage that will happened. This is because now mostly of our water sources are no longer clean. Our water are polluted and when time will come water will be very pricey
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You didn’t ask a question ummm