Rooting Reflex is a baby's tendency, when touched on the cheek, to turn toward the touch, open the mouth, and search for the nipple. Other behaviors include; sucking reflex; when an object is placed in the baby's mouth, he will begin to suck on it; grasping reflex; when touched on the palm of the hand, a baby will wrap his fingers tightly around the stimulus; moro reflex; infant startle response; when alarmed the baby will fling his limbs outward, then retract them and hold them close to his body. and also Babinski reflex; when stroked on the bottom of the foot, a baby will spread its toes.
Gymnosperms are no longer restricted to moist environments, as are ferns and mosses because they have evolved to produce non-flagellated pollens that do not require water or moisture to reach the egg whereas ferns and mosses have flagellated sperm that needs moisture to swim towards the egg.
Another major evolutionary adaption in gymnosperms is the production of seeds instead of spores since seeds contain their own nutrition in the form of endosperm, seeds can travel large distances through wind or animals and can germinate when they find suitable conditions. Seeds can remain dormant for several years whereas spores have a shorter lifespan.
To learn more about endosperm here
Certain Protiens, amino acids form protiens
A carpel on a typical flower is located on the bud tips, what I mean is that where the stamen is nearly right beside it is the carpel. A carpel is like the reproductive organism of a flower.
Peas exhibit a variety of contrasting traits (purple vs. white flowers; round vs. wrinkled seeds). The shape of the pea flower protected it from foreign pollen.