This kind of intelligence is called the savant syndrome. It's commonly found in people from the autism spectrum disorder. Some examples include people who are not independent and have problems interacting with other people but who can paint complex scenes after having seen them once.
When you communicate with other people you will learn things you never knew, when you communicate with different ppl you also grow your network, the more communication happens the stronger ur soft skills will be
hope this helps!
This is a really interesting question because the answer is highly disputed. Obviously Australia doesn't have the economic strength of Europe or the North American Free Trade Agreement, but between the two, it can be measured in different ways, many people would suggest that EU is in fact bigger, but by measure of GDP, the EU is dominated by NAFTA with a per capita GDP of just over $21k in comparison to EU28's which is just over $18k
I would suggest that it is NAFTA at the moment but this answer might be subject to change in the future,
The answer is 2. a panic attack.
Panic attacks are sudden episodes of fear, anxiety or distress, often without a clear cause. They are characterised by an apparent lack of control over emotions and even phyisical functions.
Most people experience panic attacks a few times in their lives. However, repeated episodes might be diagnosed as a panic disorder.