The gas state. When water boils, it releases a gas we know as steam.
Directional selection tends to evolve towards one specific trait. In this example, white rabbits no longer have a competitive advantage because of disappearing snow. This means they are more easily spotted by predators, resulting in reduced fitness and less chance they will live to reproductive age and pass their recessive white alleles on.
Natural selection will favor the gray colour allele, increasing the frequency oft this previously rare allele.
Biogeographical studies use information for various fields, such as evolutionary biology, geography, geology, and climate science to determine how organisms evolved through time and how the moving of tectonic plates resulting in forming continents, mountain ranges and islands has affected their distribution.
Studies in this field explain how organisms that now live on different continents are very closely related and how the flora and fauna of islands are connected to one of the closest continents etc.
The Moon appears to Earth as a small crescent, as it rotates around the Earth this expands to a full moon and back to a small crescent. This happens once every 29 days and is called a lunar month. The Moon causes the rise and fall of the ocean's tides on Earth.