Vainas sinoviales tendinosas
Las vaina tendinosas o vainas sinoviales son mangas de tejido de protección que se encuentran alrededor de las articulaciones o rodean a los tendones. Estas vainas permiten que los tendones se deslicen suavemente, produciendo un líquido (líquido sinovial) que mantiene al tendón lubricado. De este modo, las vainas tienen como función evitar el roce entre el tendón y el hueso. Las vaina tendinosas conforman un revestimiento de dos capas: una interna unida al tendón y una externa de tejido conectivo.
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Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal.
Epigenetics is the study of how the structure and function of genes interact with our environment to influence behavior.
In addition to your surroundings and habits, such as what you eat and how much exercise you get, your genes play a significant part in determining your health. The field of epigenetics investigates how environmental factors and behavior may alter how your genes function. Gene-environment interactions that result in the expression of different phenotypes throughout development are the basis for the initial usage of the term "epigenetics." To turn on or off the genes that cause long-lasting alterations linked to the differentiation of various cell types, epigenetic processes are frequently used.
Epigenetics is the study of how DNA sequences are maintained as genes are controlled by cells. DNA alterations known as epigenetic changes control whether or not genes are activated.
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Both parents are heterozygous carriers.
Both parents are heterozygous carriers. Sickle Cell Anaemia is usually referred to as a recessive condition since an individual must have two copies of the sickle gene in order to have the disorder.
Since neither of the parents is ill, both of them must be heterozygous carriers for the child to have the disorder