Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation
According to the Adult In-Hospital Cardiac Chain of Survival after immediately starting the emergency response system, you should immediately start a cardiopulmonary resuscitation with an emphasis on chest compressions.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the set of measures that involve chest compressions and aim to prevent or reverse the premature death of patients with absent or severely compromised respiratory and circulatory functions.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is performed with the tenar region of one of the rescuer's hands, without placing the fingers on the ribs. This technique requires the victim to be on a hard surface. The rescuer must be well above the victim and keep his / her arms straight during compression.
to how individuals evaluate their own health status. People with subjective poor health are those who perceive themselves as ill. Source: GreenFacts.
I would say 6 months with a 25% chance of life because that is what happened to me and I lived. But idk if others will.
Free radicals are unstable molecules that lost an electron and will seek to replace it as it gives rise. These are formed from oxygen and although about 95% of the oxygen we consume is for energy, the rest generates these harmful molecules.
Free radicals cause aging, DNA alterations and <u>cardiovascular diseases</u>, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, increase levels of bad cholesterol and <u>cancer</u>.
There are also other elements that increase the number of free radicals in our body and these are: tobacco, radiation, excessive consumption of processed foods, pesticides and industrial pollution.
a) Teens who use the Internet and phone after bedtime have a variety of sleep problems.
The STRICT (sleep time related information and communication technology) study performed in American adolescents showed that a high number of adolescents use their cell phone after bed time what results in insomnia, daytime sleepiness, later bedtimes and shorter sleep duration which are all sleep problems associated with the use of the cellphone and communication technology during sleep hours.
62% of the teens used their phone after bedtime, 56.7% texted/tweeted/messaged in bed, and 20.8% awoke to texts interrupting their sleep and the quality of it.