- Organism A is most likely a herbivore
- Organism B is most likey a carnivore
Based on feeding habit, organisms, usually animals, can be classified into three categories namely: herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
- Herbivores are those organisms that feed on vegetative matter i.e. plants while carnivores are those organisms that feed on flesh of other animals or organisms. Based on what they feed on, herbivores are adapted to possess blunt teeth (for chewing) like Organism A in this question while carnivores are adapted to possess sharp teeth (for tearing flesh) like Organism B.
Based on the above explanation, organism A is most likely a HERBIVORE while organisms B is most likely a CARNIVORE.
- Another notable point of difference between herbivores and carnivores, which is likely to differentiate organism A and B as well, is that herbivores possess digestive enzyme- amylase in their saliva while carnivores do not. Herbivores need AMYLASE to break down complex carbohydrate (starch) in the plants they feed on.
Viscosity refers to the speed at which a substance can flow (i.e. the thickness of the substance/its ability to flow). I think that's the closest the English language gets.
Astronomy- is the the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
B) Embryonic stem cells research requires the use of human embryos.
Possible anticodon sequences include: GCA, GCC, or GCU.
Nucleic acids are comprised of smaller units called nucleotides and function as storage for the body’s genetic information. These monomers include ribonucleic acid (RNA) or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). They differ from other biological macromolecules since they don’t provide the body with energy. They exist solely to encode and protein synthesis.
- Basic makeup: C, H, O, P; they contain phosphate group 5 carbon sugar does nitrogen bases which may contain single to double bond ring.
DNA encodes an organism's genetic information; this undergoes transcription, where RNA is formed. Codons are three nucleotide bases encoding coding and amino acid or signal at the beginning or end of protein synthesis.
RNA codons determine specific amino acid, so the order in which the bases occur within in the codon sequence designates which amino acid is to be made in translation; the four RNA nucleotides (Adenine, Cysteine and Uracil). Up to 64 codons (with 3 as stop codons) determine amino acid synthesis. The stop codons ( UAG UGA UAA) terminate amino acid/ protein synthesis while the start codon AUG Begins protein synthesis.In wobble pairing, the same tRNA can recognise different codons of its amino acid. Thus for the third positions on codons, alanyl-tRNA (inosine-guanine-cytosine) can recognise GCA, GCC, or GCU.
Learn more about transcription at
Learn more about DNA and RNA