There are even more examples, but here are four:
1. Miscommunication, especially if he/she are second language speakers, this can cause a lot of problems.
2. Religion. Just imagine a Christian dating a Muslim. If they are both religious, a lot of fights could arise from this.
3. How you express yourself. In your culture, something might be more acceptable.
4. Food. The food you eat vs the food that is eaten in a different culture, that you might not approve of at all
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The geographic North Pole is the location at 90 degrees north on the coordinate grid.
The magnetic North Pole is the location that compasses point to, and is the top of the Earth’s magnetic field. The magnetic North Pole is about 500 kilometers away from the geographic North Pole.
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the three major elements that separate the world's haves from the have-nots are developing agriculture, living in areas without natural geographic barriers, and acquiring immunity to diseases.
Communism got influenced into china because of Russia