In the first 1000 years of Christianity, the Orthodox Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church were one Church, because of this both churches share many things in common.
They agree on the divine and human natures of Jesus, the apostolic succession; The triple ministry of bishops, priests and deacons; The sinless life of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the honor that is due to her as the Mother of Christ; the invocation of the saints; The acceptance of the seven sacraments of faith; The confession of sins before a priest; The use of icons in worship; And the solemn celebration of the communion and affirmation of its sacrificial nature as identical to the sacrifice of Christ, where the Eucharistic bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Answer: B. Lenders prefer less frequent compounding.
That's false because the APR or any company wants people to pay loan and interest. That's how any credit method works. The APR means " Annual Percentage Rate" it is used to make a comparison between the standard of interest that you are likely to pay on loans or credit card balances.
Answer: An effective price ceiling is a price imposed by the government below the equilibrium price.
Price ceiling is a price control that is imposed by the government to curtail how high producers or suppliers charge price for a commodity or service. Price ceiling is used by the government to protect consumers from purchasing very high commodities. The very high prices of the good can be as a result of inflation, monopoly or investment bubble
For price ceiling to be effective, the price set must be below the equilibrium price (price set by the forces of demand and supply).
Red River Colony. This land was granted to him by the Hudson's Bay Company, which is referred to as the Selkirk Concession. The establishment of Canada in the late 19th century led to the creation of what is today Manitoba, although much of its original territory is now part of the United States .
National income is earned by everyone in the country while per capital income is what an individual earns