Answer: m-middle 3 bbg ❤️
Because I said so
a. stimulus
Stimulus is something that can evoke a physiological response, it can be in or external.
Answer:1.What is a harbor? A place on the coast where ships find shelter
2.What did the British government do in order to try and help The East Indian Company? They passed the Tea Act which lowered the tea tax and sent the tea ships straight to the colonies instead of going to Britain first.
3.Why weren’t the colonists happy with the lower tea prices? Because the Tea was not from the colonies thus hurting local merchants
4.Why were three ships waiting in the harbor? They were waiting for the colonist to unload the boats of tea.
5.Explain what happened during the Boston Tea Party. during the Boston tea party, colonist raided the boats that held the tea in the harbor dressed up as Indians and destroyed the tea
6.How did the British Government react to the Boston Tea Party? The British government placed even more strict policies and places fines for the destroyed tea as well as sending troops up to Boston.
I hope this helps you
Have a great day
Stay safe and stay awesome :)
C. a lay ecclesial minster, A. evangelize, B. parish life
The official Church term for a layperson serving the Church as a youth minister, school principal, or as head of a diocesan liturgical office is <u>a lay ecclesial minster</u>.
To proclaim the Good News in words and witness is to <u>evangelize</u>.
Laypeople live out their vocation as priest, prophet, and king supported spiritually primarily by participation in <u>parish life</u>.