There’s a whole mindset among Americans that you need to go out and get a job when here we are in an economy where we can make our own jobs. Entrepreneurship is good for our nation as a whole because it creates jobs for a local economy. So just think about this. If we eliminate the Corporate Tax, billions of entrepreneurs will decide to open their businesses here in the US. If eliminating the Corporate Tax doesn’t create tens of millions of jobs in this country, I don’t know what will.
North Korea Is communist
South Korea Is a Democracy
Japan parliamentary
Taiwan Democracy
False it is called a mosk
Well, it decreased the demand of Slave Labor.
Back then, the technology advancement , especially in agricultural sector, significantly increased the total production. This cause the demand of overall labor decreased. The northern US, who utilized more of this advancement more than their southern neighbor, manage to produce hundred times more output than the southern who still depended on their slave labor
John O'Sullivan suggests that Americans should be able to possess by right of Manifest Destiny is to overspread and to acquire the entirety of the continent which the Almighty has provided them for the development of the great experiment of liberty and the democratic government invested to them.