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첫째, 지진으로부터 자신을 보호하십시오. ...
가능한 한 내륙으로 높은 곳으로 가십시오. ...
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대피 : 기다리지 마십시오! ...
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F because it could be some one opinion
The Final agreement of the two countries were to maintain US base in Okinawa Japan, and US promised Japan a bilateral security pact
Targo can be able to legally restrict Mohammad's religious practices during working hours because, in the employment agreement letter signed between Mohammad and Tango, there was no where it was stated that he has time for his prayers but rather 1 hour break for his afternoon meal.
The defense that Tango would apply to limit his time away from the register to pray would be based solely on his contract or employment letter binding on both of them. It was stated on the number of hours to work each day which would get reduced if Mohammad takes time to pray trice each day.