An organizational unit broadly corresponding to a city ward or a Spanish “barrio”
Battle of Stalingrad-1942
Answer:C. Co-offending
Co-offending refers to a crime which is commited by more than one person it can also be referred to as group crime.
Youth are usually prone to conform to peer pressure especially because there is a yearning to fit in.
Most youth don't commit crime because it was their idea but due to the fact that someone suggested it and they didn't want to be left out or be rejected by the group or be seen as boring,they end up doing it; leading to high situations of co-offending.
Songs for birds give them a communication system so that they can alert other birds and also to attract mates.
B. False Assumption
False Assumption: this is a term that describes the type of barriers to effective listening. This type of barrier occurs, when the information or message receiver assumed that the communication is the sole responsibility of the sender or the speaker, while receiver has no role to play.
In other words, it is the assumption that the receiver does not required to be active in listening, giving feedback or ask questions relating to point of discuss.
Other types of Listening barriers includes but not limited to the following:
1. Physiological barriers: this relates to mind, or absence of mind to the information being passed.
2. Physical barriers: e.g environment noise
3. Attitudinal barrier: such as work related or egocentrism
4. Lack of training
5. Gender barriers