Jerry owes a duty of slight care, in regards to the parakeet
In this situation since this is a bailment for the sole benefit of the bailor, Jerry owes a duty of slight care, in regards to the parakeet. This refers to the fact that Jerry has a legal obligation to adhere to the rules set forth by Tom and demonstrate a level of reasonable care when performing these rules/tasks, since not doing so may bring harm to the parakeet or Tom. Which by neglecting to make sure that the cage was closed properly the bird is forever gone and Tom is hurt both financially and emotionally from the parakeets loss.
The reason why people, specifically Puritans, left England to go to America in the 1600s was because of religious persecution of their belief, their belief being the simplified version of the religion hosted by the Reformation of the Church of England under Elizabeth.
<span>This statistic as cited is not credible and could be outdated. She just specified a percentage that she could have made up on her own to prove her point. She needs to indicate the source she obtained her information from and when the results for poverty percentage were obtained.</span>
<span>Access control and assigning different permission is the process of authorizing users and groups to access objects on the network.</span><span>
It is more common to add permissions to a group instead of the individual b</span>ecause it is easier to keep track of groups instead of individuals.
Also this help to keep the group organized and if there were numerous users and they needed the same permission, it cuts back on time. Windows alow the option to create and manage groups permission for better organization and less time consuming.