Some people use credit to pay for items instead of just using cash so they do not have to carry money around and so it is easier. ... It is preferable to receive a low interest rate so you do not have to pay high amounts. Sometimes, lenders allow or require a down payment before they extend you the loan.
9 + 4(1)
Step-by-step explanation:
to satisfy inequality
9 + 4(1) < 17
13 < 17
1 Lb is equal to 0.453592 Kg.
Therefore 8.5 Kg is equal to 18.7 Lbs. If you round 18.7 you get 19 Lb.
X/2 means 1/2x
To delete the denominator multiply for 2. You have to multiply also 17 for 2 since you have half x.
2*1/2x = 17*2
x = 34
Answer D.