By weather and object of a colour.
1. When the clouds change, the reflection on the water, change colour.
2. When an object of a colour, reflect on the surface of the water. So if the object reflect green, the water become green.
Halo is a ring of light over a person's head and sanduk refers to a medicine in curing lung diseases. ... Saduk is a drug-based medicine which is consumed in the curing of lung diseases and chest pains. Saduk is prepared by extracting the liquid from the medicinal plants and leaves that prevails in the forests.
fossil fuels need to be burned usually resulting in harmful substances entering ozone and traping heat like a blanket
The Aqueduct of Jerwan. The aqueduct is part of the larger Atrush Canal built by the Assyrian king Sennacherib between 703 and 690 BC to water Ninevah's extensive gardens, with water diverted from Khenis gorge, 50 km to the north. An inscription on the aqueduct reads: Sennacherib king of the world king of Assyria.