Like other aspects, family background also affects the entreptrneurial behaviour of people as entrepreneurship directly depends on people and people are affected to big extent by the family background.
- According to the research statistics 25% of the variation in decisions of individuals to become employed to self is explained by family background and influence of the community.
- It also suggested that the entrepreneurship depends upon sibling correlation and shared genes.
- It is greatly affected by characteristics of parents and family members including sibling peer effects, income, education, self employment, neighbourhood effects and incorporation.
Answer: The first line intent
The first line intent is one of the type of intent and the first line of the text are mainly starts from the left margin. It is one of the most common method to start the line or text with the new paragraph. We use the tab key for creating the first line indent in the word.
In the first line indent the second line are basically known as the succeeding line of the text that contain the various indented bullets.
All the pirates uses their individual key and lock for the locking down of each the four sides of the lid of to the chest. Among the pirates, if three of them decides to open their latches, they can be able to lift the top by essentially using the fourth (locked) latch as a hinge to open the top. (We have several solutions or ways to do this.)