anorthosite, it is an anorthosite, composed mostly of a type of plagioclase feldspar known as anorthite.
Reproduction. Pink salmon in their native range have a strict two year life cycle, thus odd and even-year populations do not interbreed. In the state of Washington, Pink salmon runs occur on odd years. Adult pink salmon enter spawning streams from the ocean, usually returning to the stream where they originated.
This question lacks options, options are:
A.They maintain the cell’s shape.
B.They regulate cell processes.
C.They protect the body from infectious agents.
D.They signal the immune system to destroy pathogens.
E.They speed up biochemical reactions.
F.They send electrical signals.
The correct answers are C and D.
B cells and T cells use different biological weapons to attack the pathogen. The first secrete proteins called antibodies, which are distributed via the blood or the exposed surfaces to the environment, such as mucous. Antibodies are glycoproteins that circulate in the bloodstream looking for antigens that cause some type of damage to the body. Antibodies recognize and neutralize pathogens in a highly efficient way. Once the antibodies are produced, they remain circulating in the bloodstream for several months, which generates immunity for a long period of time to a certain antigen, in other words, they are capable of recognizing other molecules (antigens) in a very specific way and forming stable complexes with them (immune complexes). Its appearance in plasma is part of the adaptive immune response, in what is known as a specific humoral response, constituting a very effective defense against pathogens.
The order of events would be:
4.Threshold stimulus, Na+ channels open. This is the first event
5.Na+ influx, Depolarization. Second event
2.Na+ channels close, K+ channels open. This is the third event
1.K+ efflux, Repolarization. Fourth event
3.Hyperpolarization, K+ channels close
In resting state, the membrane is negative inside, and K+ concentration is higher than outside. Na+ concentration is higher outside instead.
Sodium influx is responsible for membrane depolarization. It's the event to produce the action potential. When sodium channels are closing, potassium channels open and K+ go outside until repolarization occurs. But now we have both ions in different sides of the membrane, and this can't be stimulated again to produce other action potential. The membrane will remain refractory to respond to the adequate stimulus until ions migrate to their original sites. This is Na+ outside, and K+ inside. This is responsibility of the Na+/ K+ pump, that uses ATP to pump Na+ out, and K+ in. Once both ions had been relocated in the membrane, this is ready to receive a correct stimulus to produce a new action potential.