Very small or no dividend
Dividend is simply the distribution of profit made by company, firm e.t.c to its shareholders. Most startup company do pay little dividend due to the profit outcome but others do not. It is necessary to pay dividend to shareholders as it shows your devotion and commitment to look after and be in one mind with investors.
most companies that are just startups do not pay a dividend mostly during the early stage of growth. The revenue derived from startup is used to grow and develop the company and not to share with shareholders but sharing little is not bad a all.
The simple answer is that 5 items can be arranged 5! (5 factorial) different ways. But let's expand upon that brief answer. We have 5 jobs and 5 machines with which to perform those jobs. So let's look at the 1st machine. Any of 5 of the jobs may be assigned to it. Now we have 4 jobs left unassigned. So let's look at the 2nd machine. For that machine, any of the 4 remaining jobs may be assigned to it, leaving 3 unassigned jobs. We can continue in that fashion, assigning at random one the of 3 remaining jobs to the 3rd machine, one of the 2 remaining jobs to the 4th machine, and finally, the only unassigned job to the 5th machine. So there's 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 5! = 120 different ways to assign those 5 jobs to all 5 machines.</span>
Online profiling is collecting information about Internet users and their online behavior to create a profile of their tastes, interests, and purchasing habits.
Demand for the product,the season the product is in or if its outdated
Letter A
The main objective of the WTO is to promote the liberalization of world trade, reducing or extinguishing trade and customs barriers to facilitate economic exchanges at the international level. The agreements involve trade in goods, services, and intellectual property.
It is also important to know that currently, the World Trade Organization has 156 member countries.