<span>Creation of egg cells and production of estrogen and progesterone, I think but I'm pretty sure it would be easier if I could see the diagram.</span>
Why can a female only pass on an X chromosome to offspring?
It is an established fact that female has XX chromosomes while male has XY chromosomes, during fertilization both male and female donate one of the pairs to form a pair of allele for the offspring. The female donate an X chromosome since the two chromosomes in her possession is XX while the male donate either of the X or Y chromosome
Glucose has the molecular formula C6H12O6. It is found in fruits and honey and is the major free sugar circulating in the blood of higher animals. It is the source of energy in cell function, and the regulation of its metabolism is of great importance
Often human change the landscape to suit our needs and we freely take from out environment we also leave waste and trash that is not natural or biodegradable. this harms wildlife. in many cases human have directly or indirectly caused the extinction if a species<span />