The seven energy pathways are as follows :-
1) The Meridians: a meridian absorbs heat in the manner this same artery supplies blood.
2) Chakras: the term chakra is translated through Sanskrit as disc, circle, or circle. Chakras become centralised energy centres.
3) Aura: Your aura is indeed a multiple layer shield of power that emerges throughout your organism and communicates with the elements of the world.
4) The Power Grid: the main grid is the fundamental energy of the body. Like that of a road car, most other power programs operate on the energy of a rudimentary grid.
5) Celtic Weave: the energy of the body spins, spirals, curves, twists, crosses, and weaves itself into trends of majestic beauty.
6) The Triple Warmer: The Triple Warmer is a plaza that incorporates the forces of the cardiovascular cells to combat an invasion force and mobilises the body 's resources in a crisis for either a fight-or - flight-or-freezing reaction.
7) luminous circuits: radiant components are intended to ensure that all the other power systems operate for the greater good.
* What is meant by coastal management?
coastal management is a defence technique to prevent or lower the occurrence of flooding and erosion, and ways to stop erosion from claiming lands. Protection against rising sea levels in the 21st century is crucial, as sea level rise accelerates due to climate change.
* Why is coastal management important?
The reason for coastal management is obvious, which is to protect homes and businesses from being damaged and even destroyed by coastal erosion or flooding. Failure to do so can have severe economic and social effects, especially along coastlines which are used for tourism and industry.
Outer core
it is the most liquidy of all the layers.
Will by when the lower air pressure gets colder it turns into cold weather
and then it is a high pressure. when the higher air pressure gets hot it
turns into a lower air pressure .
hope i help!!!!!!!!!