// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Alias for document.getElementById.
* @param {string} id The ID of the element to find.
* @return {HTMLElement} The found element or null if not found.
function $(id) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
return document.getElementById(id);
* Get the preferred language for UI localization. Represents Chrome's UI
C. layout of each page with its respective elements
A layout of each page with its respective elements will give the client a good idea of the final product and help him confirm his desires/requests towards the creation of the Web site. Most people are visual, especially about things they don't fully understand, so a clear and visual representation is best.
<u>A. Bulleted lists and titles</u>... won't give the idea of the full layout of the Web site.
<u>B. chart depicting</u>.... that's more a tool for the programmer than the client, although user flow is important, it isn't as much as the visual aspect of each page.
<u>D. pictures and screenshots of websites of other florists..</u>. That could be a useful aid on the first contact, but the question implied the Web site is already in progress... so that wouldn't help much.
<u>E. programming code for the website</u>, absolutely not, the client hired Jeremy not to have to deal with that.
Please check the attachment.
avg turnaround time = (38+7+42+33+18)/5= 27.6
avg waiting timee = (33+5+28+23+17)/5= 21.2
And its D, A C in Gantt chart at last and exit time are 33, 38 and 42 mentioned as last three in Gantt chart.
You can carfully wedge something in between the key and gently pull up