The generalization that all organisms are composed of cells was established through multiple observations in various kinds of animals and plants. A controlled experiment of finding cells in all the kinds of living organisms is not possible or is infeasible as it will require prior knowledge of all the kinds of organisms inhabiting Earth and the effort to catch and bring them in the controlled environment of the lab for testing.
Golgi apparatus is your awser to the question
Spring tides occur when the sun, moon and earth are lined up, and it causes high and low tides to be much higher (moon is full/new). Neap tides occur when the sun, moon, and earth form a right angle this causes regular high and low tides to be much lower (first quarter and last quarter moon). The moons gravity and suns gravity pull the earths crust and ocean water.
through years of evolution as natural selection shaped animal adaptations to Earth's environments.
Over the years, biologists have been able to successfully name more than one (1) million animal species across the world. These species arose through years of evolution as natural selection shaped animal adaptations to Earth's environments.
Natural selection can be defined as a biological process in which species of living organisms having certain traits that enable them to adapt to environmental factors such as predators, competition for food, climate change, sex mates, etc., tend to survive and reproduce, as well as passing on their genes to subsequent generations.
Simply stated, natural selection entails the survival of the fittest. Therefore, the species that are able to adapt to the environment will increase in number while the ones who can't adapt will die and go into extinction.