Proteins are polymers of molecules called amino acids, some contain thousands. Lipids are formed when a glycerol molecule combines with compounds called fatty acids, therefore they are not polymers because they contain one molecule and are not macromolecules. Hope this helps! :)
The answer to this question is the Pyers
patches. The Pyers patches are lymphatic tissues found through
the small intestines that have an important role in the immune system. Pyers
patches are also known as the aggregated lymphoid nodules that monitors and
prevents growth of bacteria in the intestine that is harmful in the intestines.
They are used as an indicator organism for pathogenic bacteria.
Coliforms are bacteria found in digestive tract of animals and humans. They are non-pathogenic, easy to culture and are used as an alternative indirect testing for presence of other microorganisms. Coliforms thrive in exact environmental conditions like other pathogenic bacteria, thus often used to indicate whether they are bacteria found in drinking water and swimming pools that might end up causing infections.
Therefore the existence of coliforms in water easily indicates feacal contamination.
When a phenotype produced by certain alleles helps organisms survive and reproduce better than their peers, natural selection can increase the frequency of the helpful alleles from one generation to the next – that is, it can cause microevolution.
brine flies prefer warm temperatures to breed in, more brine flies means more food for the brine shrimp, so brine shrimp will be able to breed more as there's more food. and vice versa- in colder temperatures there would be less breeding of the flies, meaning less food for shrimps. therefore less breeding of shrimps)