If Migaloo is albino he mostlyly lives with snow and a lot of white in his souroundings. Since he is white and everything eles is white he can blend into he souroundings to hide from anything trying to attack/eat him.
Because humans are omnivorous thus they can feed on different organisms. They can never occupy the lowest levels because they are not omnivorous.
Altered states of consciousness, also referred to as non-ordinary states, contain different mental conditions in which the brain is aware but not in its normal wakeful condition like meditation etc.
Altered states of consciousness, also referred to as non-ordinary states, contain different mental conditions in which the brain is aware but not in its normal wakeful condition like meditation etc.
Altered states can happen from yoga class to a child's birth anywhere. They enable everyone to see our experiences and oneself with a wider lens and from different points of view than the normal mind.
The benefit associated with the meditation practice are:
1) improved attention
2) faster recovering from being sad
3) reduced stress hormones
4) reduced blood pressure
2 Ampere
According to Ohm's Law
where V is voltage I is current and R is resistance
I=2 A
DNA is the information molecule. It stores instructions for making other large molecules, called proteins. These instructions are stored inside each of your cells, distributed among long structures called chromosomes. These chromosomes are made up of thousands of shorter segments of DNA, called genes.