Thorndike's law of effect
Thorndike's law of effect states that if the reponse to an action is pleasurable the person tries to keep doing the same action to receive pleasure.
If a person gets displeasure from an action's response then the person will stop doing that action.
For example, if a child gets candy from their parent after getting good grades, the child will try obtain good grades in the next test in order to recieve the plesurable response of receiving candy.
A Gubernatorial Election is the election for the Chief Executive of a State, better known as a Governor.
Each State decides how often to elect a Governor and by what rules they want to elect but the typical term is four-years with a two term limit, similar to the US President.
The correct answer is letter B
Explanation: Legal Needs names what is inevitable, essential, fundamental, which has great importance, which must be done or fulfilled by action, imposition or obligation.
The Southwest Trail
Southwest Trail crosses the Arkansas River on U.S. Route 70, through Little Rock to Arkansas Highway 5 through Bryant and Benton to U.S. Route 70, then Arkansas Highway 229 to U.S. Route 67.