Reverse dutch auction
Reverse dutch auction- it is opposite to the traditional dutch auction which starts from higher bid then goes to the low bid. In reverse dutch auction, bid start form low bid then toward a high bid.
In this auction, a list of item that buyer are interesting in buying has made and after a fixed interval of time the price of the item raised and it raised until the reverse the desired price reached
The French and Indian War is also known as the Seven Years War. It lasted from 1754-1763, therefore it lasted 9 years!
Emotions are the interpretation of the interaction physiological arousal and the cognitive label, we apply to explain the arousal.
The two-factor theory was proposed by Schachter and Singer. In this theory, there are two key factors physical arousal and cognitive label. In this theory when a person feels the experience of emotions, it includes the physiological arose with the cognitive level of emotions.
In this theory, the physical arousal plays first role. The theorist suggests that physical arousal was the same for several of the emotions. Thus physical arousal was alone responsible for emotion.
For instance, when I saw a strange person at night coming towards me my heart will be pounding fastly and I started trembling along with. Both the physical arousal and heart-pounding occur together due to my emotions fear and I get frightened.
Southern farmers could not keep up with demands for cotton.
Southern farmers could not keep up with demands for cotton so they improvised by using tobacco instead.