Answer:The newly synthesized chemical may reduce the number of group A Streptococcus present in infected mice.
Igneous rocks are formed from cooled magma, magma is formed from melted metamorphic rock, metamorphic rock is formed from either heated igneous rock or heated and pressurized sedimentary rock, sedimentary rock is formed from sediments throught compaction and cemenetaion and sediments are formed from weathered and eroded igneous or metarmorphic rocks
For more info look up rock cycles and hit images for a simple format
It is predation. How?
What do you think will happen if the fox catches the rabbit.
The fox will eat it.
Thus, predator-prey relationship; the fox gets full, and the bunny, well, it's not so good.
Answer: Las orugas, larvas de mariposas y polillas, se alimentan casi exclusivamente de plantas. La mayoría de las orugas mastican felizmente las hojas, aunque algunas se alimentan de otras partes de la planta, como semillas o flores, mientras que durante la etapa de adulto, la mariposa se alimenta de néctar y pasa de ser un herbívoro a ser un importante polinizador.