Ancient Rome experienced three different types of government:
Answer: Chinese cities included prosperous merchants and vibrant trade.
From the text it is seen that there was a lot of trade going on in the city. Everywhere one goes there are hundreds of shops. This means that trade must have been very vibrant.
Cities with vibrant trade make for trading hubs that will attract people from far and wide. This would therefore give merchants the opportunity to become very successful and prosperous from selling their wares.
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Athens was a democratic society and the epitome of democracy. Democracy began in Athens with the reforms
made by Solon where everyone was given the Right to vote and created a court of
appeals to examine cases. Sparta on the
hand was dictatorial state where people were divides into the Spartan citizens,
free men of trade and the helots or slaves.
Citizens were required to serve the military and only the fittest were
allowed to live in Sparta. Both states formed democratic government and
dictatorial government.