Walking upright with two feet defines the bipedalism among the hominid and make them different from the four legs apes. This theory was given in 1920 when they found a small skull approximately three-million-year-old and it indicated that it held its head erect.
One of the reasons that made them stand in two legs might have been the change in the climate. Climate change made Africa a more seasonal environment, which became difficult for a hominid to find food. By walking with two feet they were able to travel fast and were able to use their hands to collect and carry food from one place to another.
Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth.” It refers to a period in European civilization that was marked by a revival of Classical learning and wisdom and this period was characterized by a rebirth of learning and an appreciate for ancient Greek and Roman knowledge, art, and architecture. This is an appropriate term for the period.
C. publicly accuse them of being communist without any proof.
He constantly interrupted with irrelevant questions and asides; yelled “point of order” whenever testimony was not to his liking; and verbally attacked witnesses,
With new found resources, more people wanted to join the sciences and arts. With that much resources into science, what we knew exploded into so much more.
There were no many natural resources in Mesopotamia; this is because they used to trade in getting things that they needed. They, therefore, offered wool jewelry, oil clothing grains, and wine. They also lacked other essential resources such as wood, iron, and stones because of floods.
Therefore to tackle the issue, the Babylonians had options of obtaining natural resources through wars and other intensive trading activities. They consequently received precious metals from Asia and gold from countries like Egypt that had textiles wool and oil.