I think the death penalty is perfectly fine but it depends on the situation. If a persons robs a house or a store then they shouldn't get the death penalty but if they kill someone, they should be returned the favor. Once a murderer, always a murderer.
The transcontinential railroad brought more money to the railroad companies because more people had access to the railroads, therefor using them more, and money was brought in. Not 100% sure, but that is my guess
Politik adalah seseorang yang melakukan demokrasi
The Jews claim that the land dates back to 3,000 years when Jewish kings ruled the regions from Jerusalem. To Palestinians, the land had belonged to them since most, but not all, Jews were driven out around A.D. 135. Islam spread in the 7th century and quickly became the dominant region.
Truman's opposition to labor unions was one reason for the Democrats' defeat in the presidential election of 1952.