Density is refer to how much space an object in Mass take in volume.
It is mass if an object divided by volume.
It usually in g/cm3
An allele. It’s a variant of a cell.
The correct answer is - Greater sciatic notch
The greater sciatic notch is a notch in one of the pelvic bones n the human called the ilium. It is located between the posterior inferior iliac spine, and the auricular surface or ischial spine. It is the passageway through the pelvis into the thigh and posterior side.
Cats also purr when they are nervous or in pain, leading some experts to believe that this uniquely feline vocalization is actually a method of self-healing. A domestic cat's purr has a frequency of between 25 and 150 Hertz, which happens to be the frequency at which muscles and bones best grow and repair themselves.