The options for this question are the following:
A. current reality assessment
B. establish the mission
C. prepare values statement
D. maintain strategic control
The correct answer is A. current reality assessment
The current evaluation has been designed to evaluate competencies. In the new trends, two support centers can be found: one, focused on the critical review of education sciences in particular and social sciences in general and the other, more pragmatic, derived from the new challenges introduced by the progress dizzying of science and technology.
The traditional evaluation procedure responds to content-based education. It is based on forms of institutionalized obedience and tends to lead the educational process to the school routine and the use of coercive measures, thus impeding the search for critical and creative thinking.
The correct answer is letter "A": True.
Stability strategies are those in which the firm does not change its core method of working, thus, it remains to focus on its current products and markets. Carrying out stability strategies is a less risky approach. The types of stability strategies can be <em>no-change strategy; profit strategy; </em><u><em>and</em></u><em> growth through concentration, integration, diversification, co-operation, internationalization.</em>
Jan needs bonds-based mutual funds as an investment in which he wants to earn the best rate of return. It mostly consists of individual bonds wherein it is compiled in a portfolio. A bond fund when then produced incomes from underlying bonds measured in incomes.
The correct answer is the last option: Involving a third party.
To begin with, the major difference between the terms of negotiation and mediation is that in the last one there is a third party involved that seeks for the most quickly and benefitial deal for the both parties that are discussing, while in the negotiation there is not a third party and the two parties existing seeks for their own benefits, even if that means to harm the other person in the process of getting the best for one of them. That is why that the mediation needs to use a third party that has to be impartial to the situation and only wants the best for the parties in the conflict.