When a place limits their production to one or a few goods and services
The Great Plains is a various district where atmosphere and water are woven into the texture of life. Everyday, month-to-month, and year-to-year changes in the climate can be emotional and trying for groups and their trade. The locale encounters numerous atmosphere and climate risks, including surges, dry seasons, serious tempests, tornadoes, tropical storms, and winter storms. In a great part of the Great Plains, too little precipitation tumbles to supplant that required by people, plants, and creatures. These variable conditions in the Great Plains as of now push groups and cause billions of dollars in harm; environmental change will add to both pressure and expenses.
Answer: One of the fiercest arguments was over congressional representation—should it be based on population or divided equally among the states? The framers compromised by giving each state one representative for every 30,000 people in the House of Representatives and two representatives in the Senate.
Answer: The Salt Satyagraha campaign was based upon Gandhi's principles of non-violent protest called satyagraha, which he loosely translated as "truth-force". Literally, it is formed from the Sanskrit words satya, "truth", and agraha, "insistence".
Salt March - Wikipedia