He la cells the ever first immortal human cell lines that has been cultured in an invitro mode since 1951 to till date.
The name He la was first coined by the patients first and last letter of her name “Henrietta Lacks” who was suffered from severe adenocarcinoma of the cervix in 1951.The doctor who treated her removed a piece of her tumor tissue and collected tissues from other patients cultured this tissue at John Hopkins laboratory there Dr.George Gey analyze these tissue in order to find cure for cancer. In vitro cultivation of He la cells was proved to be successful with millions of her cells cultured in the laboratory which is still exists.
The He la cells contaminate other human cell lines,It was thrown a light on culture contamination issues in many scientific field. The pros and cons of He la cells are given in a table format which is attached.
HeLa cells are immortal ,easy to maintain and can be kept alive.
HeLa cells easily contaminate cell lines and thus can be incorporated easily into target tissues.
Cons of HeLa cell:
The HeLa cells can easily contaminate cell lines and a lack of regular monitoring leads to unwanted contamination of cell lines resulting in wastage.
HeLa cells are immortal cells that are used in scientific and medical research. These were obtained from Henrietta Lacks , a cervical cancer patient. These cells are well known for their immortality, rapid growth and high contamination rate. These were unique cancerous cells that kept on dividing and remained alive easily.