These two frog species separate by reduced hybrid viability. In reduced hybrid viability gene of different parent species may interact and impair the hybrid's development while in a reduced hybrid fertility a viable individual is sterile often due to the inability to produce normal gametes in meiosis. Hybrid breakdown; the first generation are viable and fertile, but when they mate the offspring are feeble and sterile.
Syntax is also collectively known the arrangement of words in a sentence. The correct answer to your questino is B. For that reason it isn't possible for any other answer in this case to be correct because B actually denotes a rather formal way of how you could talk about syntax.
IT data because you are writing in informaton that was unkown but know you have observed it
Answer and explanation;
Nucleus; houses a cell's DNA and its processes include protein, replication and packaging for cell division. It is also the site for transcription.
Cytosol; coordinates a responsible to the environment, metabolism and motor proteins.
Endomembrane system; includes the nuclear envelope (surrounds nucleus), rough and smooth ER, golgi body, lysosomes?vacuoles, peroxisome and plasma membrane.
Semiautonomous organelles; mitochondria (animals) and chloroplast (plants) which provide energy for the cell.