There are good arguments on both sides as to when and how fast to reopen the economy. In my view, the answer will vary state by state and industry by industry. There’s also an enormous amount of uncertainty as to exactly how to determine the optimal policy. In that environment, there’s a great advantage to having these decisions be made at as local a level as possible. Thus, while I suspect that Sweden’s current policy is not optimal, that Nordic country is doing a great service to Europe by providing evidence on the consequences of an alternative policy path.
Giving too much power to any one person is dangerous, especially when that person might be influenced by political considerations that go beyond the best interest of the country as a whole:
That’s not to say Trump’s views are necessary wrong; rather that the procedure he uses to reach decisions is not reliable. Thus I’d still favor local control even if in one particular case you could convince me that the views of the person who happened to be president at the time were superior to the views of the average mayor or governor. In the long run, competition between states will produce better governance than central planning.
Warfare was the most common and successful way in which the Incas were able to expand their empire.
This background essay introduces the diversity of China's natural and man-made features, as well as the relative population of its various areas. Used as background information, learners can explore the many different uses of maps (see related lesson plans). Road maps to find our way to other places. Physical maps show different landforms and elevations and bodies of water. Historical maps help us understand political boundaries and the movement of people, goods, and ideas. Military leaders need maps as they plan their campaigns, and tourists need maps in order to figure out interesting places to visit. Many maps show both natural and man-made features. They often reflect values of the people who create them and define their place in the world. Maps were used for military and political purposes and show how China viewed itself in relation to the rest of the world. In China ownership of a map indicated sovereignty over the land it depicted.
Understanding the interaction between a natural environment and various human and cultural patterns is an essential aspect of geography. To fully appreciate China's broad geographic and cultural diversity, one needs to identify general characteristics that act as guidelines. The technical term used to describe distinctive areas is "homogeneous regions." Today "fingerprint" carries the same idea, namely some thing or place that is distinctive. Just as fingers share general characteristics, each has a unique "print" or pattern. This same principle can be used to facilitate understanding complex cultures and societies, such as those in China.
A distinct geographic print might include the following variables: physical and environmental