c<span>: The interdependence of body systems is essential because all systems work together to maintain homeostasis.</span>
DNA has the bases of A,T,C, and G.
RNA has the bases of A,U,C, and G.
the T base in DNA is 'Changed' into the base U
oxygen from reaching your tissues and organs.
Carbon Monoxide is very dangerous to us and many other animals. It is a flamable gas that is bad for our blood cells. When we breath it in and it gets put into out blood, it cannot be used as a substitution for air, and you will suffocate.
...I think.
<span>Sublimation. It's the same effect as evaporation but sublimation means it goes from a solid state (snow) to a gas state. This phenomenon can be seen in your freezer, when ice cubes evaporate the moving particles on the surface fly off to the environment just like in liquids.</span>
The slopes show that sucrose gradient affects change in weight.
The slopes will be different because higher gradient concentration of sucrose will result in the higher amount of water moved. This means the higher sucrose gradient concentration, the more change in weight of the water.