At Jefferson's request the two houses of Congress considered and passed the Embargo Act quickly in December 1807. All U.S. ports were closed to export shipping in either U.S. or foreign vessels, and restrictions were placed on imports from Great Britain.
In 324, the ancient city of Byzantium was made the new capital of the Roman Empire by Emperor Constantine the Great, after whom it was renamed, and dedicated on 11 May 330.[6] From the mid-5th century to the early 13th century, Constantinople was the largest and wealthiest city in Europe
<span>The Moroccan Crisis (1905-1906) was the first crises and was one of the long term causes of World War One. The fight over control of Morocco broke down the trust between the major European Powers. The second crisis was the Bosnian Crisis (1908-1909) and was caused by Austria-Hungary's desire to annex Bosnia-Herzegovina. This crisis led to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand which triggered the breakout of the war. </span>