obesity increases blood pressure
This is because the high fat percentage in the body has lead to a build up of fat on the inside of arteries and this makes them thinner. the heart has to pump harder to get the blood around the body and through these, now smaller arteries. therefore yes having diabetes does increase blood pressure.
other factors which increase blood pressure are high stress levels, smoking, anxiety.
I think the answer would be yes, the nuclear membrane would be present. It is involved during the process of cytokinesis and is remain unchanged even the process is done. It is a very important part in order to have a healthy cell function.
Eukaryotic cells are cells that contains a membrane bound organelles this include the nucleus while prokaryotic cells do not have a membrane bound nucleus.
Eukaryotic cells have more than one One chromosome while prokaryotic cell has one chromosome that is not true chromosome.
Eukaryotic cell have a multicellular cell type while prokaryotic cell have a unicellular except for some cyanobacteria that may be multicellular.
Cell wall is present in eukaryote only in plant cells and fungi and it chemically simpler while prokaryote cell wall is Usually chemically complex
Answer: The correct answer for the fill in the blank is- Transcription.
Transcription is a genetic process by which DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid) is converted into mRNA ( messenger RNA) with the help of enzyme RNA polymerase.
During this process, the two strands of DNA are first separated so that the template DNA ( that is having polarity 3' to 5') is exposed.
Using the template strand, RNA polymerase adds the RNA nucleotides according to the Watson and Crick base pairing and thus mRNA transcript is assembled.
Spiral Galaxies, Elliptical Galaxies & Irregular Galaxies
How did galaxies originate? Astronomers believe that after the big bang, the explosion which began the universe 10 billion to 20 billion years ago, gravity began to compress masses of free-floating gas. Two main theories, bottom-up and top-down, explain what happened next. According to bottom-up theories, clusters began to form and assembled together into the larger units we know as galaxies. Top-down theories suggest that galaxies formed first, and the stars and other objects within them were subsequently produced. They categorized different galaxies to maintain their tests from the other galaxies.