The cotton gin was a very important technological adcance in the industrial revoulution because it significantly increased the coton production.
The telegraph improved comunications and started the era of information
have a great day
Memphis and Thebes. Both was main cities and both located on the Nile River.
Also, I don't know why, but it also says Cairo and Alexandria were both on the Nile River. I believe these two would be correct.
<span>Monopolies affected small businesses by forcing them to shut down. A small business cannot compete with large companies, especially their ability to buy goods in bulk. When a company buys goods in bulk, it is able to negotiate a better price. Small businesses cannot do this because they don't have access to as much capital as large businesses do. The Gilded age lasted from 1870 to 1900. It was a volatile time in the history of America. The Industrial Revolution had spread offering opportunities for many people to make a lot of money but, at the same time left many farmers and workers struggling for survival.</span>
Keegan probably suffered from B. Post traumatic stress disorder.
<em>Post traumatic stress disorder</em> or PTSD is a disorder triggered by a traumatic experience. It is characterized by the exposure to a near death experience or mayor lesion, for example, according to the DSM-5.
Symptoms include intrusion in the form of thoughts which are <em>constant and involuntary</em>, recurrent dreams, dissociative reactions and psychological discomfort, amongst others.
In this case, Keegan was shot and she is having intrusive thoughts about the experience and what it felt like. This is affecting her stress levels, making her angry and jumpy at external stimulus as well as wanting to avoid the scene where it happened.
It was a picture of Fort Peck Dam, taken by Margaret Bourke-White.