They catalyze the chemical reactions. For the molecules at the beginning for the cycle.
Octopus and squid have little suction cups on their tentacles. It helps with sticking onto food (so it doesn't get away) and also helps with sticking into things. If it wanted to camouflage into some rocks, it can use its tentacles to cling to to the rock.
Tentacles can also grab and carry things. Scientists have made tests where they would put a clam in a jar with the lid screwed on. The octopus would grab onto the jar and use its tentacles to twist the lid off.
Without tentacles, octopuses and squids would be pretty helpless and probably couldn't survive in the deep ocean.
Exponential growth may occur in environments where there are few individuals and plentiful resources, but when the number of individuals becomes large enough, resources will be depleted, slowing the growth rate.
Eventually, the growth rate will plateau or level off.
a. Aminopeptidase and e. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
Posttranslational modification includes the transfer or removal of functional groups.