The THALAMUS is multi-modal in nature, responding to temperature, touch, smell, and taste. It is the structure in the middle of the brain that is located in between the cerebral cortex and the mid-brain. Its important processes includes human consciousness, ability to sleep, and the interpretation of sensory stimuli, as described in the above statement.
The Hippocratic corpus or Hippocratic collection
This isn't a health question but...
It's possible she didn't like what she saw in you when meeting in-person. This isn't entirely uncommon in friendships (and more).
Give her some time and message her again. But if she says stop, stop.
Calories: 28%
Total Fat: 46%
Saturated Fat: 50%
Protein: 50%
Fiber: 12%
Carbohydrates: 16%
Not sure exactly what the actual work was. The only calculation I had to do, was the percentage of calories from the burger, to the diet (560 of 2,000)
Keep In Note!
All nutrition labels are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Since this is so, the company has already given the percentage of daily intake on the label. You just have to write down whatever the percentage is on the right side.
I hope I was able to be of some assistance. If forever what reason I am wrong with my answer, I give you my sincere apologies. It was not intended.