Wolfpack was the turn the used meaning that they will go after medium-to-large sized ships with a bunch or a group of battleships that why faster and hit harder
The black death was one of the most devastating disease outbreak in the history of human race. The black death resulted in a lot of crises including religious, social and economic upheavals. Although the disease affected all the people in Europe, at a time the Jews were blamed for the ravages caused by the disease outbreak. The Jews were thought to be responsible for the disease, therefore, other people started killing the Jews who live in their communities and this lasted all through the time of the disease out break.
It boosted political participation. It kept presidential candidates from lowering the reputation of the presidency. It prevented vacancies in important government posts. It increased the power of writers and political cartoonists.
Lower prices
If you have enough supply that exceeds demand then an owner would need to start selling (I forgot the exact word but its something like this) lower then the original price so it gives more incentive for customers to buy from that pizzeria