Jeremy is going with dehydration and electrolyte imbalance which commonly thought to be the cause of muscle cramps. This is most evident factor when training in hot and humid conditions due to an increased loss of electrolytes through sweat.
Exercise associated muscle cramps are mainly treated with hydration and electrolyte supplementation but this could be neglecting the underlying cause of cramps during or after exercise. The most effective way of treating cramps before they affect body athletic performance is neuromuscular re-education.
What is neuromuscular re-education?
Neuromuscular re-education involves training weak, underactive muscles to help balance the work load..
Charle horse is type of a cramp which occurs when the muscle involuntarily contracts and cannot relax. The calves and thighs are two of the most common areas affected, although cramps can strike hands, arms, abdomen, and feet. They typically last from several seconds to a few minutes, and athletic person can often feel a knot when presses the painful area.
For more information regarding cramps, visit:
D. After listening, the pharmacist could restate the instructions in his own words and then ask if he understood correctly.
I calculated it logically
So if you find maggots on your pet, get them to a vet immediately, where they will be able to clip and clean the underlying cause and remove the maggots. Some pets might need to be hospitalized and placed on IV fluids overnight, in addition to being started on antibiotics
You may need to shave the hair around their wound to effectively see and remove the maggots. Washing them with treated shampoo or applying a topical salve to the wound or infected area may also help, though the safest route is just to take them to the vet immediately.
systole answer is number 1 and diastole is no 2
Describe each of the potential causes and possible treatment modalities.