Correlation is a technique that help us to find or define a relationship between two variables.
It is a measure of linear relationship between two quantities.
A positive correlation means that an increase in one quantity leads to an increase in another quantity
A negative correlation means with increase in one quantity the other quantity decreases.
Values between 0 and -0.3 tells about a weak negative linear relationship, values between -0.3 and -0.7 shows a moderate negative correlation and a correlation value of of -0.7 and -1.0 states a strong negative linear relationship.
Anxiety symptoms and life satisfaction are negatively correlated. As life satisfaction increases the anxiety symptoms decreases.
Thus, a moderate correlation between them can be expressed by a correlation coefficient of -0.5
Because it is an increase so you put 104% over 100% in fraction form and then you put 282 at the bottom of another part of a fraction then you do 100 divided by 282 and you get 2.82 so then you take that 2.82 and you multiply it by 104% and you get 292.28 you can use a calculator to check but i know i did it correctly