Number of colonies on plate = 40
Amount of DNA used for transformation = 100ng
Volume of competent cells used = 100ul
Total volume = 1ml (1000ul)
Volume plated for growth = 200ul
The amount of cells transformed per 1 µg of DNA is called the transformation efficiency
(CFU is colony forming units) => (number of colonies on plate/ng of DNA plated) X 1000 ng/µg = CFU/µg of DNA
Amount of DNA used for plating = 100ng * (200/1000)
= 100ng * (1/5)
= 100/5 = 20ng
Efficiency calculation = 40 colonies / 20ng = 2 colonies/ng
(2 colonies/ng) * (1000 ng/µg) = 2000 CFU/ug DNA
Transformation efficiency = 2000 Transformants / ug DNA
= 2 x 10³ Transformants / ug DNA
Efficiency of transformation is highest in the 100 pg-1 ng range, so Low transformation efficiency could be because of high amount of DNA used for transformation.
Tools and machines that are used for farming are Tractors, rake, A machine that they used to pick up corn.
The adrenal glands are two endocrine glands in the human body. They are located above the kidneys. Members of the endocrine system, the adrenal glands are very important to the human body because they make hormones essential for their functioning.
These glands are also responsible for the production of hormones that act on the transformation of fat into glucose by the liver. An example of this hormone is glucocorticoid known as cortisol, which also acts on the degradation of triglycerides. These functions are also performed by the region of the adrenal cortex.
The adrenal glands also produce in the adrenal medulla two other important hormones: adrenaline (also known as epinephrine) and norepinephrine (also known as norepinephrine). These two hormones act on psychic and physical reactions generated by strong emotional situations (mainly related to emotional stress).
, electricity is just electrons (sub atomic particles) moving through a conductor. Light is also just subatomic particles moving through a conductor (1.e. transparent medium) and both are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.