Mass..... mass measures the amount of matter in a substance or object
Because stains are made of different types of molecules, a range of enzymes are needed to break them down. Proteases break down proteins, so are good for blood, egg, gravy, and other protein stains. Amylases break down starches, and lipases break down fats and grease. Washing powders usually only contain one type of enzyme, though some have two or all three.
The basis for the inverse relationship between number of matured HDL in circulation and and cardiovascular disease is that when new HDL entertainment circulation they mature by picking up extra cholesterol until they become mature and high cholesterol level is a major cause of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. The implication of this is that the more the number of matured HDL in circulation, the lower the cholesterol level in the blood thus the lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis.
For the Numbers on the leg Photo
1. Rectus Femoris
2. Vastus lateralis
3. Tibialis Anterior
4. ADDuctor longus
5. Gracilis
6. Satorius
7. Vastus Medialis
8. Gluteus Medius
9. Gluteus Maximus
10. Semitendinosis
11. Semimembranosus
12. Biceps Femoris
13. Gastrocnemius
Explanation: is correct