The correct answer
here is D. Johann Tetzel started selling indulgences Wittenberg to anyone who was
be kind enough to donate the money for the reconstruction effort in Rome where
they were rebuilding the Cathedral of St. Peter. This prompted Luther to nail
his famous 95 Theses on the door of the Church in Wittenberg as Luther believed
that faith alone is enough to grant salvation through Jesus Christ. This would
later start the great wave of Protestantism.
Ellis Island was the hub for millions of immigrants coming into the United States. Ellis Island functioned as the the first stop for immigrants coming into the United States from 1892 until 1954. Ellis Island now serves as a museum of the long immigrant history of the United States.
sovereignty of Jerusalem as one of the holiest of sites for the three major religions of the world
i found this as something that still needs to be resolved, so i hope its correct