The answer is true, they are only single celled!
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DNA is necessary for the production of proteins as well as the regulation, metabolism, and reproduction of the cell.
Proteins help repair and build your body's tissues, coordinate bodily functions, and allow metabolic reactions to take place.
Structural, storage, hormonal, enzyme, etc.
Enzymes speed up the rate of a chemical reaction to help support life.
Lipases, amylase, lactase, deoxyribonuclease, etc.
Correct answer: C) Nutrients are circulated throughout the biosphere
Biogeochemical cycles are cycles by which essential elements of a living organism are circulated continuously. It consider the biological, chemical, and geological aspect of each cycle.
The most important biogeochemical cycles are nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, water cycle, oxygen cycle and phosphorous cycle.
Biogeochemical cycle always have a state of equilibrium, and the state of equilibrium is attained when there is balance in cycling of element among the compartment.
Storage. Vacuoles store water and waste.